This is a fun, fact-filled, practical first aid course for kids aged 7 to 11 years old.  It is focused on first aid around the home, school and community.

Children will get the opportunity to learn how to:

  • recognise hazards in the home, school and community;
  • recognise an emergency;
  • introduction to allergies, anaphylaxis & diabetes awareness
  • how to stay calm and assess what has happened;
  • put their safety first in any emergency;
  • make a phonecall to the emergency services;
  • how to treat minor injuries;
  • how to prevent accident or injury.

This is a one day course which will include a variety of classroom based fun activities, practical demonstrations and workshops (all adhering to social distancing and safeguarding protocols).

4 dates available:

All dates are now fully booked.  If you wish to be considered for future dates, please e-mail us on and we will hold your contact details to notify you of future dates..


Arbour Training Centre in Kilmore VIllage, Crossgar, BT30 9HP.


9:45am arrival for 10:00am start. Finish 4:00pm (see proposed itinary below)


£30 per child (includes certificate).  Discount available for 2+ children from the same family. Payment option nominated at time of booking.  Payment will be due once booking is confirmed.  Cash, card,  bank to bank transfer or paypal payment options available.

Children are required to bring a packed lunch, snacks and something to drink.  Bottles of water will be made available during the day.  Parents are required to complete a registration form at time of booking and submit this via e-mail.

Proposed itinerary:

9:45am   Arrival and registration

10:00am  Start of session 1

11:00am  Snack time

11:15am  Start of session 2

12:30am  Lunch

1:00pm  Start of session 3

2:15pm  Break

2:30pm Recap and practical

3:00pm Awards and certificate presentation (Parents welcome to attend)

3:30pm Class photo opportunity and finish.

All course dates are now fully booked.